Other style options (such as numinsec) can be included in the bracketed argument of the command, separated by commas. SIAM publishes articles at 10 point size, and siamltex will do so automaticlly. If a preliminary version at 11 point size is desired, put siam11 in the optional argument. But when the file is submitted it must be back in 10 point size.
The title and author parts are formatted using the
and \author
commands. The \date
command is not used. \maketitle
produces the actual
output of the commands.
The addresses and support acknowledgments are put into the
commands via \thanks
. If support is
overall for the authors, the support acknowledgment should
be put in a \thanks
command in the \title
Specific support should go following the addresses of the
individual authors in the same \thanks
Sometimes authors have support or addresses in common which
necessitates having multiple \thanks
commands for
each author. Unfortunately LATEX does not normally allow this,
so a special procedure must be used. An example of this procedure
follows. Grant information can also be run into both authors'
\title{TITLE OF PAPER} \author{A.~U. Thorone\footnotemark[2]\ \footnotemark[5] \and A.~U. Thortwo\footnotemark[3]\ \footnotemark[5] \and A.~U. Thorthree\footnotemark[4]} \begin{document} \maketitle \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}} \footnotetext[2]{Address of A.~U. Thorone} \footnotetext[3]{Address of A.~U. Thortwo} \footnotetext[4]{Address of A.~U. Thorthree} \footnotetext[5]{Support in common for the first and second authors.} \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\arabic{footnote}}
Notice that the footnote marks begin with [2] because the first mark (the asterisk) will be used in the title for date-received information by SIAM, even if not already used for support data. This is just one example; other situations follow a similar pattern.
Following the author and title is the abstract, key words
listing, and AMS subject classification number(s),
designated using the {abstract}
, {keywords}
and {AMS}
environments. If
there is only one AMS number, the commands
and \end{AM}
are used
instead of {AMS}
. This causes the heading to be
in the singular. Authors are responsible for providing AMS numbers.
They can be found in the Annual Index of Math Reviews, or
through e-Math (telnet@e-math.ams.com; login
and password are both e-math).
Left and right running heads should be provided in the following way.
\pagestyle{myheadings} \thispagestyle{plain} \markboth{A.~U. THORONE AND A.~U. THORTWO}{SHORTER PAPER TITLE}